What can astrology reveal to us?

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Astrology and Numerology have existed for many millennia.  This knowledge, enriched by centuries of human experiences, make for powerful tools in the processes of self-reflection and growth. 

A natal chart is a snapshot taken at the moment of our birth.  It is a map of our own place within the stars, telling us about the cards that we were dealt. By acknowledging the energies present in the universe at birth, we are better able to materialize our lives by becoming creators of our own destiny. 

We can make connections to possible traits and habits that we have carried throughout our lives and by studying transits we can prepare ourselves for what may be coming our way. 

Astrology is not so much a science of ‘prediction’ but rather a guide to reveal the gifts and possibilities that lie within all of us.  It helps free ourselves from those conscious and unconscious patterns that clutter our lives.

A solar return chart is generated for the moment the sun returns to its natal position on the day of your birthday. By taking into account the positions of the planets at the time of your birth and comparing them to the positions of the planets at the time of your solar return, you can gain a deeper understanding of how the cosmos is influencing your life.

About me

I first became interested in astrology when I was 13 years old, thanks to the beneficial influence of a grand mother who was fascinated by the zodiac. I spent several decades reading, studying, and conversing with other practitioners (André Barbault, among others) as I diligently pursued my education in astrology, numerology, and symbolism.

I made the decision to expand my relationship with the craft by providing readings for others after experiencing the benefits of self-examination through astrology firsthand. I kept develloping my own intuition and knowledge and understanding, and I’ve been giving readings ever since.

I frequently examine the planets and their cycles in my own life to better comprehend the synchronistic effects they have on each of us. While I create unique astrology charts for both persons and places, I also draw inspiration from astrology and those archaic symbols as a visual artist.


  • Natal Chart with current and upcoming transits : $150 (about 1.5 hours)
  • Solar Return Chart (chart for the year – from birthday to birthday) : $150 (about 1.5 hours)
  • Follow up session : $100 (about 1 hour)
  • Analysis of a specific question or theme : $50 (about 30 minutes)

Sessions are available in person or via videoconference (Skype or Zoom) and must be paid prior to the reading via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle or bank transfer.

For any specific inquiries, to check for availability or to book a session please send me a message.


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